Заполни кроссворд, вписав названия животных, которые живут семьями. Назови, кто из списка не попал в кроссворд и не заботится о своих малышах.
dolphin, wolf, elephant, monkey, cuckoo, bear, rabbit, bird.
Across |
1. A very small animal that can fly (летать). |
3. A wild (дикое) animal with big and strong teeth. |
4. A funny (смешной) animal that lives in the jungle (джунгли). |
6. A very big animal with a long trunk (хобот). |
7. A small animal with fur and long ears (уши). |
Down |
2. An animal that lives in the water. |
3. A big animal with brown fur (мех). |
Прочитай текст и соедини части предложений, которые идут после текста, перетащив окончания предложений в нужные места.
In the Moscow Zoo, many animals live together in a family. Grey wolves (волки) live in the family. The wolf-mother and wolf-father love the wolf-child. The parents (родители) give food to the puppy. The parents give meat to the puppy. The wolf-mother plays with her wolf-child. The puppy is small. The wolf-child, the wolf-mother and the wolf-father live in one family. The head of this small family is the wolf-father.
Wolves in the Moscow zoo live |
The wolf-mother and wolf father give |
The wolf-mother plays |
The puppy in the wolf family |
The wolf-father, wolf-mother and |
Wolf father is |
Узнай больше о том, как можно отпраздновать свой день рождения.
Ответь на вопросы, написав свои ответы.
Посмотри на подарки в Центральном детском магазине в Москве и отметь галочкой три подарка, которые ты хочешь получить на свой день рождения. Напиши названия этих подарков в своём пожелании My three birthday wishes.
Cake |
Robot |
Teddy |
Kite |
Ball |
Bike |
Three wishes for my birthday
1. I want a |
2. I like a |
3. I dream of (мечтаю о) a |
Прочитай текст и узнай о том, как ты можешь провести свой день рождения в Москве. Для этого, заполни пропуски в предложениях, перетащив туда слова.
What do you do on your birthday? Do you meet friends? Do you get presents? Do you eat sweets? In Moscow, you can have a very interesting birthday. If you go to the zoo with your friends, you can play with . In the park, you can ride a . In the pool, you can have fun (веселье) in the (вода). If you go to the planetarium, you can see the . In a bookshop, you and your friends can meet . In the café you can have fun with a . If you and your friends go to a candy shop кондитерский магазин, you can make and eat them. If you and your friends go to a bakery кондитерская пекарня, you can bake (испечь) a and have tea.
Подумай о подарке своему другу и перетащи слова из списка в текст.
1 My friend likes music. My present to my friend is a toy _____ . |
2 My friend likes to play football. My present to my friend is a _____ . |
3 My friend likes computer games. My present to my friend is a _____ . |
4 My friend likes to play with LEGO. My present to my friend is a LEGO _____ . |
5 My friend wants to be a pilot (лётчик). My present to my friend is a _____ . |
6 My friend likes to look at how the birds fly. My present to my friend is a _____ . |
7 My friend likes to draw. My present to my friend is _____ . |
8 My friend likes home pets (питомцы). My present to my friend is a _____ . |
9 My friend likes sweets. My present to my friend is a _____ . |
10 My friend likes winter sports. My present to my friend is _____ . |
Научись описывать то, что видишь в Москве.
Посмотри на картинки и прочитай описание внешности животных в московском зоопарке, перетащив пропущенные слова в предложения. Сохрани на компьютере своё чтение вслух.
This is a . The hippo is . The hippo has a big . The hippo has a big with a big with teeth (зубы). The hippo has four . The hippo has two eyes.
This is a . The bear is . The bear is . The bear has four big . The bear has a big with a mouth and teeth. The bear has a small . The bear has two small . The bear has a big .
I see butterflies. This butterfly is like (похожа) the sun. The color is . This butterfly is like night. The color is . This butterfly is like an orange. The color is . This butterfly is like a flag. The color is . This butterfly is like a caterpillar (гусеница). The color is . This butterfly is like the water in the sea. The color is .
Посмотри на фотографию московской скульптуры «Клоун Карандаш и собака Клякса» недалеко от Новодевичьего монастыря в Москве. Впиши слова из списка в предложения с пропусками.
paws, tail (хвост), cane (трость), funny (смешные), little, dog, clown, hat
Karandash is a . Klyaksa is a . Karandash has got a on his head. Karandash has got a . Klyaksa is . Klyaksa has got four little . Klyaksa has got a little . Clown Karandash and the dog Klyaksa are .
Отгадай по описанию что это. Перетащи изображения к их описаниям. Опиши эти изображения своему английскому другу и сохрани на компьютере устный ответ.
It is high. It is beautiful. It is old. It has a red star. People come to see it. |
People see beautiful palaces underground. The trains run underground fast. |
It has a round arena. Children look at funny clowns. They like big elephants. |
It is big. It is beautiful. People come to see Moscow Kremlin and parades. |
It is big. It is beautiful. People come to listen to the opera and to see the ballet. |
Узнай больше о Московском академическом детском музыкальном театре.
Посмотри на фотографии Московского академического детского музыкального театра и отметь галочкой правильные названия изображений.
![]() |
Moscow music theater Moscow music theater Moscow circus |
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Red kiteRed kiteBlue bird |
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DollsDollsActors |
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GuitarGuitarPiano |
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OperaOperaBallet |
Прочитай текст о спектакле Московского академического детского музыкального театра, вставив пропущенные слова из списка и догадайся, что это за спектакль.
It is an opera. It is not a . In the opera, the actors sing (поют). They do not dance. They are singers (певцы). In this opera, people see a little princess. She is beautiful. She lives in the palace. The queen (королева) lives in the palace too (тоже). The magic mirror (волшебное зеркало) says to the queen, “You are not . The princess is beautiful”. The queen wants to kill (убить) the princess but the girl runs to the . In the forest, the princess meets seven little men (семь маленьких человечков). She lives in the house with them in the forest. The queen comes to the little house. She gives the princess poison (яд) in the . The princess sleeps many days and . The prince comes to her and kisses (целует) her. The princess and the prince are .
Название спектакля:
Прочитай о том, что ждёт детей в Московском академическом детском музыкальном театре и перетащи предложения о том, что тебе нравится больше всего, к цифрам 1, 2, 3.
If you go to the music theater for children in Moscow, you can see a beautiful building listen to a fairytale (сказка) see a blue bird on the building see beautiful birds in the foyer (фойе) see Buratino and Kolobok in the foyer see a ballet or an opera listen to music sing a song play in the foyer play musical instruments.
If you go to the music theater for children in Moscow, you can:
1 | |
2 | |
3 |
Напиши своему зарубежному другу, что тебе нравится делать в детском музыкальном театре в Москве.
In the music theatre, I like to see a b . I like to see and hear an o . I like to p in foyer. I like to play m instruments. I like to sing and d .
Узнай больше о животных, которых можно увидеть в Москве.
Узнай о животных в московском контактном зоопарке (Pat Zoo). Впиши названия животных и их еды, рядом с фотографиями.
In Moscow you can go to the Zoo where you can pat animals. The animals in this zoo do not bite (не кусаются). You can pat a rabbit. You can pat a hamster (хомяк). You can pat a big parrot. This parrot can speak and scream. You can give food to the animals. You can give leaves, pears and apples to the rabbit. You can give fruits, strawberries and nuts to the parrot. You can give peas, carrots and bananas to the hamster.
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Прочитай текст и отметь галочкой фотографии животных, которые не живут на Лосином острове в Москве.
Many wild animals live in Moscow. Yes, they in Moscow and not in the forest. Let us visit Losiniy Ostrov (Elk Island). Of course, you can see elk (лоси) on Losiniy Ostrov. Elk have short horns (короткие рога). You can meet deer (олени) in the forest on Losiniy Ostrov. Deer have long horns (длинные рога). Elk and deer are big. They eat green leaves in summer and mushrooms (грибы) in winter. Beavers (бобры) live in the river. Beavers have strong (крепкие) teeth. They like to eat trees with their teeth. Many birds live on Losiniy Ostrov. You can see many trees there. The birds live in the trees. In summer, Losiniy Ostrov is green. In winter it is white with snow. You can see many squirrels (белки) on Losiniy Ostrov in summer and in winter. The squirrels eat mushrooms in summer and nuts in winter.
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Расскажи своему английскому другу о природном парке в Москве – Лосином острове, используя слова из списка. Для своего рассказа, закончи предложения. Сохрани свой устный ответ на компьютере.
nuts, short, Moscow, live, teeth, mushrooms, fly, long, beavers, squirrels
Losiniy Ostrov is in .
On Losiniy Ostrov many animals .
If you come to Losiniy Ostrov, you can see elk with horns.
On Losiniy Ostrov you can see deer with horns.
I like to look at the and to see their strong .
I like to see how the birds .
I like to give nuts to the .
The squirrels eat from my hands.
Under the trees, the squirrels find and eat .
Прочитай стихотворение и догадайся, о каком московском музее в нем говорится. Сохрани на компьютере своё чтение этого стихотворения вслух.
Do you want to see a tiger?
Do you want to see a spider?
Do you want to see a bat?
Do you want to see a cat?
And a mouse? And a bear?
And a rabbit? And a hare (заяц)?
And a bird high in the sky?
And a colored butterfly?
What museum shows them all?
Do you know the answer at all?
Название музея:
Узнай, какими сладостями Москва может порадовать сладкоежек.
Посмотри на изображения конфет московской кондитерской фабрики «Красный Октябрь» (Krasny Oktyabr - Red October) и впиши в предложения то, что ты видишь на шоколадной конфете (chocolate). Используй слова из списка:
one, two, three, brown, blue, red, beautiful, bear, girl, basket, cap, building, cock, apple, flowers, bird, sea, bears
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a) on this chocolate I can see |
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b) on this chocolate I can see |
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c) on this chocolate I can see |
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d) on this chocolate I can see |
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e) on this chocolate I can see |
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f) on this chocolate I can see |
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g) on this chocolate I can see |
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h) on this chocolate I can see |
Прочитай о московском музее истории шоколада и какао, перетащив в пропуски слова из списка.
In Moscow, you can visit a museum. The name of this museum is The Museum of the History of Chocolate and Cocoa. This museum is very . It is very interesting. In this museum, children can see how people make . Visitors can see a chocolate river and a small ship. They can go where trees grow. They can see a cocoa . People make cocoa and chocolate from the of this tree. Children can see how people make chocolate dolls, and other things. They can see cartoon films about chocolate on the of the ship! They can chocolates and them.
Расскажи своему зарубежному другу о музее шоколада в Москве. Запиши свой ответ.
Hello! I want to tell you about
This museum is
In this museum, you can see
On the chocolate river, you can see
On the chocolate tree, you can see
People make chocolate
On the sail of the ship, visitors can
If you are a sweet tooth, you can
Come to Moscow and visit the museum of chocolate and cocoa.
Прочитай о знаменитой шоколадке «Алёнка». Отметь предложения после текста, которые соответствуют содержанию прочитанного.
“Alyonka” is a popular Russian chocolate. Moscow factory “Krasny Oktyabr” makes this chocolate. Russian children like chocolate “Alyonka”. You can see a small girl on the chocolate. She has big eyes, red lips (губы) and a small nose. The girl is beautiful. The chocolate is sweet. It is a milk chocolate with milk and cocoa. You can eat chocolate and drink tea or hot milk. Children like to eat chocolate “Alyonka”. They eat chocolate and clean (чистят) their teeth. Chocolate “Alyonka” is a good present (подарок).
“Alyonka” is a popular |
Russian chocolateRussian chocolateEnglish chocolate |
You can see a small |
boy on the chocolateboy on the chocolategirl on the chocolate |
Alyonka has a |
small nosesmall nosebig nose |
The chocolate is |
not sweetnot sweetsweet |
You can eat chocolate |
and eat hot milkand eat hot milkand drink hot milk |
Children eat chocolate |
and clean their handsand clean their handsand clean their teeth |
Узнай больше о необычной погоде в Москве.
Отметь галочкой необычную погоду в Москве.
Very hot summer |
Warm summer |
Rain in summer |
Icy rain in winter |
Snow in winter |
Snow in May |
Rain in winter |
Thunder in winter |
Thunder in summer |
Rainbow in winter |
Опиши необычную погоду в Москве. Сохрани свой устный ответ на компьютере.
In Moscow, we can have ________________ summer. Sometimes (иногда) we can have _____________________________________in summer. Sometimes we can have _____________________________________ in winter. Sometimes we can have _____________________________________ in May. In Moscow, it can rain in w___er and it can snow in s___ng. I like any weather in Moscow, when it rains and when it s__s, when it is hot and when it is c__d, when the day is grey and when the day is s_n_y.
Прочитай о летних пожарах (fires) в подмосковных лесах. Напиши пропущенные слова в тексте, выбирая их из списка.
fly away (улетать), burn (гореть), make fires (разводить костры), smoke (дым), small fire (маленький костёр), dry (сухой), big fires, air (воздух), beathe (дышать), run away
When the summer is very hot, we can hear every day about big fires in the forests near Moscow. We can see much in the . It is hard to . Animals in the forests from fires. The birds in the forests from fires. The trees in the forests . Sometimes tourists make a in the forests when the weather is very hot. They make small fires when it does not rain and the forest is . Small fires in dry forests start . People cannot in the forests when the weather is hot. People cannot make fires in dry forests.
Прочитай стихотворение о правилах поведения в жаркий день и перетащи слова из списка в пропуски.
When the day is very ,
Don’t eat much but a lot.
Drink some , nice and cool.
in the river, a swimming pool.
Find a shade under a .
Eat an ice , drink ice tea.
Don’t stay in the for long.
Don’t get a bad .
Узнай о том, какие развлечения есть для детей в московском лесопарке Кузьминки (Kuzminki).
Прочитай список развлечений для детей в парке Кузьминки и перетащи три развлечения, которые тебе нравятся больше других, чтобы закончить предложения I want to … .
- Children like to visit the house of Russian Ded Moroz (Father Frost).
- Children like to meet the twelve brothers-months from the fairy tale.
- Children like to ride a horse or a little pony.
- Children like to see the museum of old cars.
- Children like to ride a carousel.
- Children like to ride a little bumper car.
- Children like to skateboard in a skateboard park.
- Children like to ski and skate in winter.
- Children like to give food to the birds.
I want to |
I want to |
I want to |
Прочитай о Тропе сказок (Fairytales path) в парке Кузьминки и отметь галочкой правильные предложения после текста.
In the Moscow park “Kusminki”, many children take a Fairytale path. On this path, they meet with many magic heroes - wooden sculptures (деревянные скульптуры). They can see the house (дом) of Father Frost and his throne (трон) in the house. They can send a letter to Father Frost and ask for a present. The visitors see many animals. They see squirrels, hares and foxes. The children give food to the birds. In the picture, you can see a girl. The girl is giving food to the birds. Many visitors touch the nose of the wooden squirrel for luck (удача). Magic heroes brothers-months (братья месяцы) from the fairytale The 12 Months come to say Hello to the visitors.
In Park Kuzminki in Moscow children go to a Fairytale path. |
On the Fairytale path children meet wooden magic heroes. |
The visitors see Father Frost on his throne. |
The children send a letter to Father Frost and ask for a present. |
Many animals live in Kuzminki park. |
Squirrels, bears and foxes live in the park. |
The children give water to the animals. |
The visitors come to the wooden squirrel and touch it. |
The children go to the theatre to see the play “12 months” |
Расскажи своему зарубежному другу о московском парке Кузьминки и сохрани свой рассказ на компьютере.
I want to tell you about the Moscow Park “Kuzminki”. In this park, you can see many interesting ___________. You can visit the house of ______________. Little visitors send a _____ to Father Frost and ask for a _____. The twelve brothers-months come ___________. Many children like to _____ a little bumper-car. The children give _____ to the birds. Many visitors can see a _______ and other animals. The children skateboard in the _________. They skate and ski in the park in _________. In the picture, you can see a visitor. The visitor is riding a pony in the park.
I want to take you to the Moscow park “Kuzminki” when you come to Moscow.